Associations to the word «Mitochondrial»
- Alpha
- Superfamily
- Stress
- Plasma
- Allele
- Agonist
- Molecule
- Muscle
- Sykes
- Evolution
- Offshoot
- Anemia
- Pathology
- Antigen
- Receptor
- Mechanism
- Amplification
- Specialization
- Hypothesis
- Dispersal
- Pancreas
- Alteration
- Hydrogen
- Pho
- Differentiation
- Leakage
- Function
- Tissue
- Variability
- Autism
- Ion
- Oven
- Sulfur
- Ancestry
- Miro
- Neuron
- Degradation
- Transfer
- Intermediate
- Ester
- Carbohydrate
- Utilization
- Mammal
- Lifespan
- Specie
- Transcript
- Bind
- Proliferation
- Carrier
- Sorting
- Affinity
- Stimulation
- Transition
- Ama
- Gottfried
- Regulator
- Logan
- Cycle
- Diversity
- Variation
- Starling
- Condensation
MITOCHONDRIAL, adjective. (cytology) Of, or relating to mitochondria.
MITOCHONDRIAL DNA, noun. (genetics) The genetic material, inherited by cloning from one's mother, contained within the mitochondria of each of one's cells.
MITOCHONDRIAL MATRICES, noun. Plural of mitochondrial matrix
MITOCHONDRIAL MATRIX, noun. (biology) The material within the space, enclosed by the mitochondrial inner membrane. It is composed of enzymes, DNA filaments, granules, protein crystals, glycogen, and lipid.
Wise words
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes
are truly endless.