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Associations to the word «Minimal»


MINIMAL, adjective. The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree.
MINIMAL, adjective. (arts) characterised by the use of simple form or structures.
MINIMAL, adjective. (music) characterised by the repetition and gradual alteration of short phrases.
MINIMAL BRAIN DYSFUNCTION, noun. (dated) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
MINIMAL MEDIUM, noun. (biology) The simplest tissue culture medium (containing the minimum of nutrients) that would support the proliferation of cells
MINIMAL PAIR, noun. (linguistics) A pair of words differing by only one phonetic segment or suprasegment, used to prove the validity of a proposed phoneme, toneme, or chroneme.
MINIMAL PAIRS, noun. Plural of minimal pair
MINIMAL POLYNOMIAL, noun. (linear algebra) Given a square matrix M over a field K, the minimal polynomial is the monic polynomial over K of smallest degree, which when applied to M yields the zero matrix.
MINIMAL POLYNOMIAL, noun. (field theory) Given a number α which belongs to some extension field of a field K and is algebraic over K, the minimal polynomial for α over K is the monic polynomial over K of smallest degree for which α is a root.
MINIMAL SURFACE, noun. (mathematics) Any surface that has the least possible surface area of those into which it could transform; typically the shapes of soap bubbles that span wire frames
MINIMAL SURFACE, noun. (mathematics) Any surface of vanishing mean curvature. Includes, but is not restricted to, surfaces of minimal area, as given by some boundary conditions.

Dictionary definition

MINIMAL, adjective. The least possible; "needed to enforce minimal standards"; "her grades were minimal"; "minimum wage"; "a minimal charge for the service".

Wise words

Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for.
Ray Bradbury