Associations to the word «Mexican»
- Caribbean
- Cinema
- Stockton
- Canadian
- Ukrainian
- Swedish
- Anthropologist
- Shootout
- Midfielder
- Mateo
- Belgian
- Brigadier
- Andres
- Cocaine
- Sundown
- Amer
- Raul
- Foreigner
- Federico
- Vietnamese
- Carmen
- Galveston
- Hays
- Drug
- Chico
- Ariel
- Viva
- Gorman
- Houston
- Luna
- Belinda
- Corral
- Dragoon
- Amar
- Gabriel
- Que
- Coastline
- Fencer
- Gunman
- States
- Whiteness
- Domingo
- Grammy
- Turkish
- European
- Blackbird
- Bernardo
- Settler
- Whig
- Una
- Franciscan
- Ute
- Songwriter
- Magdalena
- Mcclellan
- Citizenship
- Essayist
- Mayo
- Swat
- Gulf
- La
- Belize
- Rosa
- Kendrick
- Kazakh
- Patio
- Assimilation
- Promoter
- Gran
- Inquisition
- Heritage
- Polish
- Gallantry
- Francisco
- Cos
- Ulysses
- San
MEXICAN, noun. (obsolete) A Mexica; an Aztec.
MEXICAN, noun. (obsolete) The Nahuatl language.
MEXICAN, noun. A person from Mexico or of Mexican descent.
MEXICAN, noun. (US) (slang) (offensive) A person from, or of descent from, any Spanish-speaking country.
MEXICAN, noun. The Mexican dialect of Spanish.
MEXICAN, noun. (Australia) (slang) (Queensland) A person from either of the southern states of New South Wales and Victoria.
MEXICAN, adjective. (obsolete) Of or pertaining to the Mexica people.
MEXICAN, adjective. (obsolete) Of or pertaining to the Nahuatl language.
MEXICAN, adjective. Of, from, or pertaining to Mexico.
MEXICAN BEAN BEETLE, noun. Epilachna varivestis, a species of lady beetle and notorious agricultural pest.
MEXICAN BEAN BEETLES, noun. Plural of Mexican bean beetle
MEXICAN BEECH, noun. A beech tree of the species Fagus mexicana (syn. Fagus grandifolia subsp. mexicana)
MEXICAN BREAKFAST, noun. (idiomatic) (US) A breakfast consisting of a cigarette and a glass of water, supposedly because that is all Mexicans can afford.
MEXICAN BREAKFASTS, noun. Plural of Mexican breakfast
MEXICAN BUTTONBUSH, noun. Cephalanthus salicifolius
MEXICAN DUCK, noun. Anas diazi, a dabbling duck in the genus Anas which breeds in Mexico and the southern USA.
MEXICAN DUCKS, noun. Plural of Mexican duck
MEXICAN HAIRLESS, noun. (uncountable) A particular breed of dog.
MEXICAN HAIRLESS, noun. (countable) A dog of that breed.
MEXICAN HAIRLESS, noun. (uncountable) A particular breed of cat.
MEXICAN HAIRLESS, noun. (countable) A cat of that breed.
MEXICAN HAIRLESS, noun. (uncountable) A particular breed of dog.
MEXICAN HAIRLESS, noun. (countable) A dog of that breed.
MEXICAN HAIRLESS, noun. (uncountable) A particular breed of cat.
MEXICAN HAIRLESS, noun. (countable) A cat of that breed.
MEXICAN HAIRLESSES, noun. Plural of Mexican hairless
MEXICAN HAIRLESSES, noun. Plural of Mexican Hairless
MEXICAN HAND TREE, noun. A tree, Chiranthodendron pentadactylon.
MEXICAN HAT CELL, noun. Codocyte
MEXICAN HAT CELLS, noun. Plural of Mexican hat cell
MEXICAN HOG, noun. Peccary
MEXICAN JUMPING BEAN, noun. A type of seed of a shrub of the genus Sebastiania in which a larva has hatched from an egg laid there by a moth, the movement of the larva causing the seed to move around.
MEXICAN JUMPING BEANS, noun. Plural of Mexican jumping bean
MEXICAN LAC, noun. An exudation of the tree Croton draco.
MEXICAN MARIGOLD, noun. A wild flowering plant, Tagetes erecta, native to Mexico and Central America, with numerous small orangish petals.
MEXICAN MARIGOLDS, noun. Plural of Mexican marigold
MEXICAN OVERDRIVE, noun. (US) (slang) The neutral gear when used while a vehicle is moving, especially when it is used to save fuel or to coast down hill faster than a vehicle can go in gear. (This is illegal in some places.)
MEXICAN PLATEAU, proper noun. A plateau in Mexico, lying between two mountain ranges: the Sierra Madre Oriental on its east, and the Sierra Madre Occidental on its west.
MEXICAN SIGN LANGUAGE, proper noun. A sign language used in Mexico.
MEXICAN SPANISH, proper noun. A set of variations of the Spanish language as spoken in Mexico and in some parts of the United States and Canada, where there are communities of Hispanic origin influenced by North American Spanish-speaking media.
MEXICAN STANDOFF, noun. (idiomatic) (slang) A stalemate, or a confrontation between two or more sides that no side can win.
MEXICAN STANDOFF, noun. (idiomatic) (slang specifically) A confrontation between two or more armed parties, neither of which wants to attack first (fearing that the other could retaliate), but neither of which will disarm (for fear the other will attack).
MEXICAN STANDOFF, noun. (rail transport) A near-collision between two trains, an averted cornfield meet.
MEXICAN TIGER, noun. Jaguar
MEXICAN WAVE, noun. (UK) (Ireland) (Australia) (NZ) A phenomenon that primarily occurs at sports events, where the members of the crowd stand up and/or raise their hands in turn, creating the illusion of a wave passing through the crowd.
MEXICAN WAVE, verb. To perform a Mexican wave.
MEXICAN WAVES, noun. Plural of Mexican wave
MEXICAN WOLF, noun. A rare subspecies of grey wolf, Canis lupus baileyi
Dictionary definition
MEXICAN, noun. A native or inhabitant of Mexico.
MEXICAN, adjective. Of or relating to Mexico or its inhabitants; "Mexican food is hot".
Wise words
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