Associations to the word «Merging»
- Aba
- Sorting
- Sirius
- Marietta
- Midlands
- Nippon
- Broadcasting
- Trondheim
- Union
- Town
- January
- Lehigh
- Methodist
- Erie
- Ltd
- Anjou
- Penn
- Village
- Burgh
- Firm
- Sud
- Citadel
- Banking
- On
- Communist
- Concordia
- Interchange
- Ramp
- Remnant
- Linux
- Gesellschaft
- Pradesh
- Denomination
- Asa
- Alliance
- Unification
- Railway
- Breakaway
- Faction
- Split
- Consonant
- Mennonite
- Og
- Parti
- Nea
- Herald
- Parish
- Saving
- Synod
- Nationalist
- Nanjing
- Unity
- Mitsubishi
- Turnpike
- Osaka
- Ontology
- Bank
- Competitor
- Lac
- Nord
- Piedmont
- Asset
- Reform
- Dialect
- Chancery
- Allegheny
- Fuji
- Bishopric
- Cambridgeshire
MERGE, verb. (transitive) To combine into a whole.
MERGE, verb. (intransitive) To combine into a whole.
MERGE, verb. To blend gradually into something else.
MERGE, noun. A joining together of two flows.
MERGE SORT, noun. (computing) Synonym of mergesort.
MERGE SORTS, noun. Plural of merge sort
Dictionary definition
MERGE, verb. Become one; "Germany unified officially in 1990"; "the cells merge".
MERGE, verb. Mix together different elements; "The colors blend well".
MERGE, verb. Join or combine; "We merged our resources".
Wise words
Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before
you let it fall.