Associations to the word «Malpighian»


MALPIGHIAN, adjective. Of, relating to, or discovered by Marcello Malpighi, an Italian anatomist of the 17th century.
MALPIGHIAN CORPUSCLE, noun. (anatomy) renal corpuscle
MALPIGHIAN CORPUSCLE, noun. A mass of lymphoid tissue surrounding an arteriole of the spleen
MALPIGHIAN CORPUSCLES, noun. Plural of Malpighian corpuscle
MALPIGHIAN TUBULE, noun. A tubule that extends from the alimentary canal to the exterior of the organism, excreting water and wastes in the form of solid nitrogenous compounds. Found in certain insects, arachnids, myriapods and tardigrades.
MALPIGHIAN TUBULES, noun. Plural of malpighian tubule

Wise words

A wise man hears one word and understands two.
Yiddish Proverb