Associations to the word «Luxurious»
- Caprice
- Coupe
- Mosaic
- Perfume
- Spa
- Fitting
- Wealth
- Grille
- Saloon
- Tapestry
- Rich
- Cabin
- Cot
- Pillow
- Jewelry
- Parlor
- Ultra
- Lodging
- Gown
- Residence
- Quarter
- Chauffeur
- Carriage
- Deco
- Tub
- Catalina
- Abode
- Styling
- Hardship
- Cruise
- Malwa
- Compartment
- Garment
- Delight
- Veranda
- Dress
- Pleasure
- Grate
- Scenery
- Loving
- Aristocracy
- Decoration
- Dressing
- Headlight
- Royce
- Meal
- Metropolis
- Appetite
- Bathing
- Mercedes
- Dwelling
- Gratification
- Cars
- Harem
- Hospitality
- Casino
- Balcony
- Embroidery
- Restaurant
- Wool
- Jewellery
- Richness
LUXURIOUS, adjective. Enjoying pleasures of luxury.
LUXURIOUS, adjective. Being very fine and comfortable.
Dictionary definition
LUXURIOUS, adjective. Displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses; "an epicurean banquet"; "enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs"; "Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence"; "a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness".
LUXURIOUS, adjective. Rich and superior in quality; "a princely sum"; "gilded dining rooms".
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul