Associations to the word «Lower»


LOWER, adjective. Comparative form of low: more low
LOWER, adjective. Bottom; more towards the bottom than the middle of an object
LOWER, adjective. (geology) (of strata or geological time periods) older
LOWER, adverb. Comparative form of low: more low
LOWER, verb. (transitive) To let descend by its own weight, as something suspended; to let down
LOWER, verb. (transitive) to pull down
LOWER, verb. (transitive) To reduce the height of
LOWER, verb. (transitive) To depress as to direction
LOWER, verb. (transitive) To make less elevated
LOWER, verb. (transitive) To reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc., of
LOWER, verb. (transitive) To bring down; to humble
LOWER, verb. (reflexive) (lower oneself) To humble oneself; to do something one considers to be beneath one's dignity.
LOWER, verb. (transitive) To reduce (something) in value, amount, etc.
LOWER, verb. (intransitive) To fall; to sink; to grow less; to diminish; to decrease
LOWER, verb. (intransitive) To decrease in value, amount, etc.
LOWER, verb. Alternative spelling of lour.
LOWER 48, proper noun. (US) (geography) the contiguous continental states area of the United States of America, comprising 48 states in number, and the District of Columbia, excluding Alaska and Hawaii.
LOWER AIRWAY, noun. (anatomy) The part of respiratory tract starting at trachea and ending at bronchioles.
LOWER AIRWAY, noun. (anatomy) The part of respiratory tract starting at trachea and ending at alveoli.
LOWER AIRWAY, noun. (anatomy) The part of respiratory tract starting at larynx and ending at alveoli.
LOWER ASSAM DIVISION, proper noun. One of the administrative divisions of the Republic of India.
LOWER BACK, noun. The lower part of the back.
LOWER CANADA, proper noun. (historical) A former British colony located in what is now Labrador and southern Québec.
LOWER CASE, noun. The minuscule or small letters (a, b, c, as opposed to the uppercase or capital letters, A, B, C).
LOWER CHAMBER, noun. One of the two parts of a parliament in some countries.
LOWER CHAMBERS, noun. Plural of lower chamber
LOWER CLASS, noun. A class of people in a society characterized by low incomes, low level of education, high unemployment and, as a result of these, a low social status.
LOWER CLASSES, noun. Plural of lower class
LOWER DECK, noun. (countable) (nautical) The deck of a ship immediately above the hold
LOWER DECK, noun. (uncountable) (nautical) (by extension) Those members of a ship's company who are not officers.
LOWER EGYPT, proper noun. (Egyptology) The half of Ancient Egypt north of Memphis, the Nile Delta, so named because the Nile flows South to North.
LOWER ESOPHAGEAL SPHINCTER, noun. (anatomy) The sphincter situated at the lower part of the esophagus.
LOWER EXTREME, noun. (mathematics) The smallest or least number out of a data set, usually farther away from interquartile range than other data in set.
LOWER EXTREMES, noun. Plural of lower extreme
LOWER HOUSE, noun. One of the two parts of a parliament in some countries.
LOWER HOUSES, noun. Plural of lower house
LOWER IVY, noun. (US) any of the Ivy League universities, such as Columbia, Dartmouth, Brown, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania that are generally seen as less prestigious than Harvard, Yale, and Princeton
LOWER JAW, noun. The part of the face below the mouth; the jaw.
LOWER JAW, noun. Specifically, the bone therein; the mandible of humans and other vertebrates that, with the cranium, composes the skull.
LOWER LEAF ZONE, noun. (botany) That part of a leaf and petiole that grows from a basal meristem.
LOWER LIMIT, noun. (analysis) The lower limit of a sequence of real numbers is the real number which can be found as follows: remove the first term of the sequence in order to obtain the "first subsequence." Then remove the first term of the first subsequence in order to obtain the "second subsequence." Repeat the removal of first terms in order to obtain a "third subsequence," "fourth subsequence," etc. Find the infimum of each of these subsequences, then find the supremum of all of these infimums. This supremum is the lower limit.
LOWER LIMITS, noun. Plural of lower limit
LOWER LUSATIAN, proper noun. A Slavic language spoken in part of Brandenburg
LOWER MAINLAND, proper noun. The southeast corner of mainland British Columbia, including Vancouver and its outlying municipalities.
LOWER MIDDLE CLASS, noun. A social and economic class lying above the lower class and below the upper middle class.
LOWER MIDDLE CLASSES, noun. Plural of lower middle class
LOWER ORDER, noun. (cricket) The batsmen, constituting the tail, who bat last - roughly in positions 8 to 11.
LOWER QUARTILE, noun. The quartile (designated Q1) having the lowest value; it cuts off the lowest 25% of data.
LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT, noun. (anatomy) The part of respiratory tract consisting of trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli.
LOWER SAXONY, proper noun. One of the component states of Germany according to the current administrative division of the nation.
LOWER SEMI-CONTINUOUS, adjective. (of a real-valued function on a topological space) Such that, for each fixed number, the subspace of points whose images are at most that number is closed.
LOWER SEMICONTINUOUS, adjective. Alternative spelling of lower semi-continuous
LOWER SET, noun. (mathematics) (order theory) A subset of a poset which contains any descending chain which starts at any element of itself.
LOWER SILESIAN, proper noun. A West Germanic language spoken in the Polish, but as well as in northeastern Czech Republic and in eastern Germany. The group of dialects is nearly extinct.
LOWER SORBIAN, proper noun. A Slavic language spoken in part of Brandenburg
LOWER THE BOOM, verb. (idiomatic) To use one's superior physical strength.
LOWER THE BOOM, verb. (idiomatic) (with "on") To suddenly overpower.
LOWER WENDISH, proper noun. Lower Sorbian (language)

Dictionary definition

LOWER, noun. The lower of two berths.
LOWER, verb. Move something or somebody to a lower position; "take down the vase from the shelf".
LOWER, verb. Set lower; "lower a rating"; "lower expectations".
LOWER, verb. Make lower or quieter; "turn down the volume of a radio".
LOWER, verb. Cause to drop or sink; "The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir".
LOWER, verb. Look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval.

Wise words

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.