Associations to the word «Kisangani»
- Congo
- Rwanda
- Cataract
- Laurent
- Archdiocese
- Uganda
- Mutiny
- Falls
- Stanley
- Republic
- Faction
- Tributary
- Archbishop
- Capital
- Diocese
- Protestant
- Basin
- Province
- Belgium
- Troop
- Democracy
- Airport
- River
- City
- Trading
- Brigade
- Faculty
- Resolution
- Transportation
- Pool
- Fighting
- Highway
- Commune
- Sector
- Traffic
- Africa
- Avenue
- Centre
- Independence
- Medicine
- Des
- Km
- Flight
- Mission
- Training
- Flow
- Territory
- Road
- Force
- June
- Population
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Wise words
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make
his words good.