Associations to the word «Incompatible»
- Software
- Constitution
- Scripture
- Transplant
- Protocol
- Gauge
- Dos
- Melt
- Fruit
- Judaism
- Compiler
- Notion
- Gaiety
- Islam
- Contradiction
- Adherence
- Ambiguity
- Pollen
- Gaia
- Communism
- Rationality
- Abortion
- Pc
- Convention
- Donor
- Os
- Assumption
- Clause
- Obligation
- Welfare
- Existence
- Format
- Contention
- Declaration
- Sentiment
- Rejection
- Rousseau
- Proliferation
- Standard
- Mechanics
- Alternative
- Freedom
- Resolution
- Paradox
- Ontology
- Tubing
- Cartridge
- Compromise
- Browser
- Proposition
- Disk
- Mediation
- Felicity
- Negation
- Statute
- Dictate
- Rom
- Processor
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Of two things: that cannot coexist; not congruous because of differences; irreconcilable; disagreeing.
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. (chemistry) Incapable of being together without mutual reaction or decomposition, as certain medicines.
INCOMPATIBLE, noun. (medicine) (chemistry) (chiefly in the plural) An incompatible substance; one of a group of things that cannot be placed or used together because of a change of chemical composition or opposing medicinal qualities.
INCOMPATIBLE, noun. (philosophy) A consequent of a contrary.
Dictionary definition
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Not compatible; "incompatible personalities"; "incompatible colors".
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Used especially of drugs or muscles that counteract or neutralize each other's effect.
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Not suitable to your tastes or needs; "the uncongenial roommates were always fighting"; "the task was uncongenial to one sensitive to rebuffs".
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Incapable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification.
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Of words so related that one contrasts with the other; "`rich' and `hard-up' are contrastive terms".
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Not easy to combine harmoniously.
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Not compatible with other facts.
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Not in keeping with what is correct or proper; "completely inappropriate behavior".
INCOMPATIBLE, adjective. Used especially of solids or solutions; incapable of blending into a stable homogeneous mixture.
Wise words
The difference between the right word and the almost right
word is the difference between lightning and a lightning