Associations to the word «Heaviness»


HEAVINESS, noun. The state of being heavy; weight, weightiness, force of impact or gravity.
HEAVINESS, noun. (obsolete) Oppression; dejectedness, sadness.

Dictionary definition

HEAVINESS, noun. The property of being comparatively great in weight; "the heaviness of lead".
HEAVINESS, noun. Persisting sadness; "nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss".
HEAVINESS, noun. An oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency; "a book so serious that it sometimes subsided into ponderousness"; "his lectures tend to heaviness and repetition".
HEAVINESS, noun. Used of a line or mark.
HEAVINESS, noun. Unwelcome burdensome difficulty.

Wise words

Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within.
Alfred Lord Tennyson