Associations to the word «Guilt»
- Suicide
- Falsehood
- Offender
- Consciousness
- Despair
- Adultery
- Conscious
- Criminal
- Penalty
- Fear
- Sense
- Hatred
- Doubt
- Humiliation
- Purge
- Indulgence
- Frustration
- Deni
- Treachery
- Murder
- Offence
- Alienation
- Testimony
- Justification
- Compassion
- Treason
- Delusion
- Stain
- Jealousy
- Suspicion
- Wretch
- Stigma
- Insanity
- Caregiver
- Conspirator
- Feel
- Macbeth
- Rea
- Compulsion
- Disgust
- Vengeance
- Cowardice
- Interrogation
- Hypocrisy
- Holocaust
- Injustice
- Acknowledgment
- Pity
- Torture
- Pardon
- Cleansing
- Inability
- Lust
- Offense
- Crucifixion
GUILT, noun. Responsibility for wrongdoing.
GUILT, noun. Awareness of having done wrong.
GUILT, noun. The fact of having done wrong.
GUILT, noun. (legal) The state of having been found guilty or admitted guilt in legal proceedings.
GUILT, verb. (intransitive) (obsolete) To commit offenses; act criminally.
GUILT, verb. (transitive) To cause someone to feel guilt, particularly in order to influence their behaviour.
GUILT TRIP, noun. (idiomatic) A feeling of shame or embarrassment, especially if self-indulgent, unwarranted, exaggerated or felt over a significant period of time.
GUILT TRIP, noun. (idiomatic) Remarks intended to produce such a feeling.
GUILT TRIPS, noun. Plural of guilt trip
Dictionary definition
GUILT, noun. The state of having committed an offense.
GUILT, noun. Remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense.
Wise words
Many a true word is spoken in jest.