Associations to the word «Gazette»
- Cw
- November
- Wolfe
- Gossip
- Somerset
- Convention
- Review
- Cash
- August
- April
- Loyalist
- Sergeant
- Balzac
- Recognition
- Reporting
- Macleod
- Cologne
- Meredith
- Birmingham
- Breeder
- Essay
- Quarry
- Footnote
- Awarding
- Libre
- Versailles
- Reprint
- Coverage
- Port
- Phillip
- Rodent
- Guardian
- Darling
- Site
- Trademark
- Act
- Entry
- Mellon
- Police
- Bar
- Stokes
- Captain
- Commodore
- Harrisburg
- Malaysia
- Dartmouth
- Preservation
- Draper
- Rhodesia
- Boulder
- Greenwood
- Subdivision
- Transvaal
- Councillor
- Carolina
- Wayne
- Cornwall
- Deed
- Name
- Kei
- Medal
- National
- Hoover
- Majesty
- Issue
- Edit
- Bradford
- Settlement
- Ebert
- Editing
- May
- Bedford
- Custom
- Lucien
- Broad
- Protectorate
- Waverley
GAZETTE, noun. A newspaper; a printed sheet published periodically; especially, the official journal published by the British government, and containing legal and state notices.
GAZETTE, verb. To publish in a gazette
GAZETTE, verb. (British) to announce the status of in an official gazette. This pertained to both appointments and bankruptcies.
Dictionary definition
GAZETTE, noun. A newspaper or official journal.
GAZETTE, verb. Publish in a gazette.
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