Associations to the word «Gaze»


GAZE, verb. (intransitive) To stare intently or earnestly.
GAZE, verb. (transitive) (poetic) To stare at.
GAZE, noun. A fixed look; a look of eagerness, wonder, or admiration; a continued look of attention.
GAZE, noun. (archaic) The object gazed on.
GAZE, noun. In Lacanian psychoanalysis, the relationship of the subject with the desire to look and awareness that one can be viewed.

Dictionary definition

GAZE, noun. A long fixed look; "he fixed his paternal gaze on me".
GAZE, verb. Look at with fixed eyes; "The students stared at the teacher with amazement".

Wise words

Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.
Alfred Adler