Associations to the word «Frankfurt»


FRANKFURT, proper noun. Frankfurt-am-Main, a city in central Germany.
FRANKFURT, proper noun. (by extension) the German financial industry.
FRANKFURT, proper noun. (by extension) the European Central Bank.
FRANKFURT, proper noun. Frankfurt-an-der-Oder, a city near Berlin Germany.
FRANKFURT, noun. (US) (Australia) A frankfurter; a hot dog sausage.
FRANKFURT AM MAIN, proper noun. Alternative form of Frankfurt-am-Main
FRANKFURT PLANE, noun. (anatomy) The anatomical position of the human skull, based on a plane passing through the inferior margin of the left orbit and the upper margin of each ear canal or external auditory meatus.
FRANKFURT PLANES, noun. Plural of Frankfurt plane

Dictionary definition

FRANKFURT, noun. A German city; an industrial and commercial and financial center.

Wise words

Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
John Adams