Associations to the word «Fiddler»


FIDDLER, noun. One who plays the fiddle.
FIDDLER, noun. One who fiddles.
FIDDLER, noun. A burrowing crab of the genus Gelasimus, of many species. The male has one claw very much enlarged, and often holds it in a position similar to that in which a musician holds a fiddle.
FIDDLER, noun. The common European sandpiper (Tringoides hypoleucus); so called because it continually oscillates its body.
FIDDLER CRAB, noun. A genus of crab in which the male has one hugely enlarged claw (genus Uca).
FIDDLER CRABS, noun. Plural of fiddler crab

Dictionary definition

FIDDLER, noun. A musician who plays the violin.
FIDDLER, noun. Someone who manipulates in a nervous or unconscious manner.
FIDDLER, noun. An unskilled person who tries to fix or mend.

Wise words

To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of understanding; one must use the same words for the same genus of inward experience; ultimately one must have one's experiences in common.
Friedrich Nietzsche