Associations to the word «Drag»

Pictures for the word «Drag»


DRAG, noun. (uncountable) Resistance of the air (or some other fluid) to something moving through it.
DRAG, noun. (countable) (foundry) The bottom part of a sand casting mold.
DRAG, noun. (countable) A device dragged along the bottom of a body of water in search of something, e.g. a dead body, or in fishing.
DRAG, noun. (countable) (informal) A puff on a cigarette or joint.
DRAG, noun. (countable) (slang) Someone or something that is annoying or frustrating; an obstacle to progress or enjoyment.
DRAG, noun. (countable) (slang) Someone or something that is disappointing.
DRAG, noun. (countable) (slang) Horse-drawn wagon or buggy. [from mid-18th c.]
DRAG, noun. (countable) (slang) Street, as in 'main drag'. [from mid-19th c.]
DRAG, noun. (countable) The scent-path left by dragging a fox, for training hounds to follow scents.
DRAG, noun. (countable) (snooker) A large amount of backspin on the cue ball, causing the cue ball to slow down.
DRAG, noun. A heavy harrow for breaking up ground.
DRAG, noun. A kind of sledge for conveying heavy objects; also, a kind of low car or handcart.
DRAG, noun. (metallurgy) The bottom part of a flask or mould, the upper part being the cope.
DRAG, noun. (masonry) A steel instrument for completing the dressing of soft stone.
DRAG, noun. (nautical) The difference between the speed of a screw steamer under sail and that of the screw when the ship outruns the screw; or between the propulsive effects of the different floats of a paddle wheel.
DRAG, noun. Anything towed in the water to retard a ship's progress, or to keep her head up to the wind; especially, a canvas bag with a hooped mouth (drag sail), so used.
DRAG, noun. A skid or shoe for retarding the motion of a carriage wheel.
DRAG, noun. Motion affected with slowness and difficulty, as if clogged.
DRAG, verb. (transitive) To pull along a surface or through a medium, sometimes with difficulty.
DRAG, verb. (intransitive) To move slowly.
DRAG, verb. To act or proceed slowly or without enthusiasm; to be reluctant.
DRAG, verb. To move onward heavily, laboriously, or slowly; to advance with weary effort; to go on lingeringly.
DRAG, verb. To draw along (something burdensome); hence, to pass in pain or with difficulty.
DRAG, verb. To serve as a clog or hindrance; to hold back.
DRAG, verb. (computing) To move (an item) on the computer display by means of a mouse or other input device.
DRAG, verb. To inadvertently rub or scrape on a surface.
DRAG, verb. To perform as a drag queen or drag king.
DRAG, verb. (soccer) To hit or kick off target.
DRAG, verb. To fish with a dragnet.
DRAG, verb. To break (land) by drawing a drag or harrow over it; to harrow.
DRAG, verb. (figurative) To search exhaustively, as if with a dragnet.
DRAG, noun. (uncountable) (slang) Women's clothing worn by men for the purpose of entertainment. [from late 19th c.]
DRAG, noun. (uncountable) (slang) Any type of clothing or costume associated with a particular occupation or subculture.
DRAG ACT, noun. A male performer who performs as a woman (i.e. in drag)
DRAG AND DROP, noun. (usually attributive) (computing) A feature of a graphical user interface whereby the user can drag a visual item across the screen and drop it in another location.
DRAG BIT, noun. A drill bit usually designed for use in soft formation, such as sand clay, or some soft rock. Uses include drilling water wells, that consists of a drill pipe connector attached to blades on the end. The cutting edge of the drag bit is often tungsten carbide.
DRAG BUNT, noun. (baseball) A ball that has been hit by a batter who started to run towards first base while holding the bat back over the plate, typically in an attempt to get a hit rather than to sacrifice
DRAG BUNT, noun. (baseball) The act of bunting while running towards first base
DRAG BUNT, verb. (baseball) (transitive) to bunt while running towards first base
DRAG BUNT, verb. (baseball) (intransitive) to bunt while running towards first base
DRAG BUNTS, noun. Plural of drag bunt
DRAG DOWN, verb. (transitive) to cause (other people or another person) to suffer the same fate.
DRAG IN, verb. (transitive) To get into a course of action by forceful means.
DRAG KING, noun. (idiomatic) (slang) (LGBT) A female who dresses up in men's clothing, typically for public performance.
DRAG KINGS, noun. Plural of drag king
DRAG ON, verb. (idiomatic) to last too long
DRAG ONE'S FEET, verb. (idiomatic) To procrastinate, put off; to dawdle, avoid, or make progress slowly and reluctantly.
DRAG ONE'S FEET, verb. (idiomatic) To intentionally stall, to delay, to obstruct.
DRAG ONE'S HEELS, verb. To drag one's feet.
DRAG OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To extend or lengthen excessively.
DRAG OUT, verb. To haul or bring out forcefully or as though with force.
DRAG QUEEN, noun. (colloquial) A male who dresses up in women's clothing and makeup, typically in an exaggerated fashion and for public performance.
DRAG QUEENS, noun. Plural of drag queen
DRAG RACE, noun. A race in a car or on a motorcycle to determine the fastest vehicle. [from mid-20th c.]
DRAG RACER, noun. One who participates in drag races.
DRAG RACERS, noun. Plural of drag racer
DRAG RACES, noun. Plural of drag race
DRAG RACES, verb. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of drag race
DRAG RACING, noun. Straight lane racing on an official racetrack.
DRAG RACING, noun. (colloquial) Any illegal street racing.
DRAG RACING, verb. Present participle of drag race
DRAG ROPE, noun. A long, heavy rope carried in the basket of a hot-air balloon and permitted to hang over the side and drag on the ground in order to lighten the basket
DRAG SAIL, noun. (nautical) An alternative term for a sea anchor.
DRAG SAILS, noun. Plural of drag sail
DRAG SHOW, noun. (entertainment) A type of performance involving men wearing women's clothing or less often, the other way round.
DRAG STRIP, noun. Alternative form of dragstrip
DRAG THE CHAIN, verb. To fall behind relative to others.
DRAG THE CHAIN, verb. To unwittingly hold up progress.
DRAG THE CHAIN, verb. To deliberately hold up progress by acting slowly.
DRAG THROUGH THE MUD, verb. (idiomatic) to tarnish or spoil enough so that it is no longer respectable
DRAG UP, verb. To remind people of something, usually unpleasant, from the past.
DRAG UP, verb. (transitive) (figurative) To educate reluctant pupils.

Dictionary definition

DRAG, noun. The phenomenon of resistance to motion through a fluid.
DRAG, noun. Something that slows or delays progress; "taxation is a drag on the economy"; "too many laws are a drag on the use of new land".
DRAG, noun. Something tedious and boring; "peeling potatoes is a drag".
DRAG, noun. Clothing that is conventionally worn by the opposite sex (especially women's clothing when worn by a man); "he went to the party dressed in drag"; "the waitresses looked like missionaries in drag".
DRAG, noun. A slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke); "he took a puff on his pipe"; "he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly".
DRAG, noun. The act of dragging (pulling with force); "the drag up the hill exhausted him".
DRAG, verb. Pull, as against a resistance; "He dragged the big suitcase behind him"; "These worries were dragging at him".
DRAG, verb. Draw slowly or heavily; "haul stones"; "haul nets".
DRAG, verb. Force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action; "They were swept up by the events"; "don't drag me into this business".
DRAG, verb. Move slowly and as if with great effort.
DRAG, verb. To lag or linger behind; "But in so many other areas we still are dragging".
DRAG, verb. Suck in or take (air); "draw a deep breath"; "draw on a cigarette".
DRAG, verb. Use a computer mouse to move icons on the screen and select commands from a menu; "drag this icon to the lower right hand corner of the screen".
DRAG, verb. Walk without lifting the feet.
DRAG, verb. Search (as the bottom of a body of water) for something valuable or lost.
DRAG, verb. Persuade to come away from something attractive or interesting; "He dragged me away from the television set".
DRAG, verb. Proceed for an extended period of time; "The speech dragged on for two hours".

Wise words

When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it is unspoken you reign over it.
Arabian Proverb