Associations to the word «Differ»
- Dimension
- Shape
- Locus
- Proportion
- Spore
- Pronoun
- Rabbinic
- Noun
- Determinant
- Sect
- Nomenclature
- Configuration
- Excitation
- Multiple
- Composition
- Magnitude
- Paradigm
- Omission
- Permutation
- Ethnic
- Incidence
- Rump
- Parenthesis
- Parameter
- Criterion
- Subunit
- Attribute
- Subgroup
- Duration
- Perception
- Organism
- Peptide
- Same
- Formulation
- Colour
- Behavior
- Outcome
- Intensity
- Placement
- Predicate
- Cohort
- Genome
- Negation
- Chromosome
- Polymerization
- Molecule
- Pigment
- Arousal
- Marking
- Juvenile
- Jaw
- Original
- Substrate
- Inference
- Context
- Cultivar
- Structure
- Frequency
- Account
- Semantics
DIFFER, verb. Not to have the same traits, characteristics.
DIFFER, verb. (people, groups, etc.) To have diverging opinions, disagree.
Dictionary definition
DIFFER, verb. Be different; "These two tests differ in only one respect".
DIFFER, verb. Be of different opinions; "I beg to differ!"; "She disagrees with her husband on many questions".
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.