Associations to the word «Desert»


DESERT, noun. ​(usually in plural) That which is deserved or merited; a just punishment or reward
DESERT, noun. A barren area of land or desolate terrain, especially one with little water or vegetation; a wasteland.
DESERT, noun. (figuratively) Any barren place or situation.
DESERT, adjective. Abandoned, deserted, or uninhabited; usually of a place.
DESERT, verb. To leave (anything that depends on one's presence to survive, exist, or succeed), especially when contrary to a promise or obligation; to abandon; to forsake.
DESERT, verb. To leave one's duty or post, especially to leave a military or naval unit without permission.
DESERT CAT, noun. Felis silvestris lybica, also known as the African wildcat, is a subspecies of the wildcat (Felis silvestris).
DESERT CATS, noun. Plural of desert cat
DESERT COTTONTAIL, noun. A common species of cottontail rabbit native to the southwestern United States as well as northern and central Mexico, extending northward into Montana, Sylvilagus audubonii.
DESERT DATE, noun. Balanites roxburghii, a tree native to India.
DESERT HARE, noun. Lepus californicus, the black-tailed jackrabbit.
DESERT HARES, noun. Plural of desert hare
DESERT ISLAND, noun. An uninhabited island, especially one in the tropics
DESERT ISLANDS, noun. Plural of desert island
DESERT MARIGOLD, noun. Any of the genus Baileya of typically annual flowering plants in the aster family Asteraceae, native to the southwestern United States and Mexico.
DESERT MARIGOLDS, noun. Plural of desert marigold
DESERT MICE, noun. Plural of desert mouse
DESERT MOUSE, noun. Pseudomys desertor, a murid found only in Australia.
DESERT PAVEMENT, noun. (geology) A desert surface that is covered with closely packed rock fragments; reg, serir.
DESERT PAVEMENTS, noun. Plural of desert pavement
DESERT RAT, noun. One of various mouselike rodents species inhabiting deserts:
DESERT RAT, noun. A gerbil (Gerbillinae) of the deserts of Africa and Asia
DESERT RAT, noun. A kangaroo rat (Dipodomys) from North America
DESERT RAT, noun. A Natal multimammate mouse (Mastomys natalensis) from Africa
DESERT RAT, noun. A jerboa, including species such as Jaculus orientalis and the lesser Egyptian jerboa, Jaculus jaculus, which inhabit the desert regions of North Africa.
DESERT RAT, noun. A British or Australian soldier who served in North Africa with the British 7th Armoured Division in 1941-42.
DESERT RHEUMATISM, noun. Coccidioidomycosis
DESERT ROSE, noun. A flowering plant of genus Adenium.
DESERT ROSE, noun. A rosette of gypsum or barite crystals formed under certain conditions.
DESERT ROSES, noun. Plural of desert rose
DESERT SAND, noun. An off-white color that resembles the color of sand in a desert
DESERT SAND, adjective. Of the off-white color that resembles the color of sand in a desert
DESERT SOIL, noun. A soil variety typically found in arid climates, usually with little leaching and minimal humus content. Referred to as an "aridisol" in the nomenclature of the United States Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service.
DESERT SOILS, noun. Plural of desert soil
DESERT SORE, noun. Synonym of veldt sore.
DESERT SORES, noun. Plural of desert sore
DESERT STORM SYNDROME, noun. Gulf War syndrome
DESERT VARNISH, noun. (geology) A dark coating found on exposed rock surfaces in arid environments.
DESERT WILLOW, noun. Any of several species of willow that grow in desert regions
DESERT WILLOW, noun. Other trees or shrubs that have willow-like leaves or weeping habit:
DESERT WILLOW, noun. (US) Chilopsis linearis
DESERT WILLOW, noun. (AU) Pittosporum angustifolium

Dictionary definition

DESERT, noun. Arid land with little or no vegetation.
DESERT, verb. Leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch; "The mother deserted her children".
DESERT, verb. Desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army; "If soldiers deserted Hitler's army, they were shot".
DESERT, verb. Leave behind; "the students deserted the campus after the end of exam period".

Wise words

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.