Associations to the word «Crucifixion»
- Lance
- Statue
- Rejection
- Sponge
- Prometheus
- Spirituality
- Supposing
- Manson
- Nero
- Wednesday
- Niche
- Bible
- Turin
- Andrea
- Isaiah
- Righteousness
- Thief
- Trilogy
- Scripture
- Pisum
- Angel
- Divinity
- Descent
- Padua
- Trinity
- Ahmad
- Conversion
- Jude
- Crusade
- Graffito
- Preaching
- Humankind
- Sandstone
- Devotion
- Persecution
- Graveyard
- Pilgrimage
- Sermon
- Stanza
- Guilt
- Mirza
- Robe
- Basalt
- Siena
- Theologian
- Robbery
- Catholic
- Bosch
- Verona
- Veil
- Mural
- Belief
- Raphael
- Garment
- Apparition
- Church
- Swearing
- Birth
- Humanity
- Thursday
- Holocaust
- Account
- Crown
- Helena
- Freiburg
CRUCIFIXION, noun. An execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross and left to hang there until dead.
CRUCIFIXION, noun. (absolute use, often capitalized: The Crucifixion) The death on the Cross of Christ.
CRUCIFIXION, noun. (figuratively) An ordeal, terrible, especially malicious treatment imposed upon someone.
Dictionary definition
CRUCIFIXION, noun. The act of executing by a method widespread in the ancient world; the victim's hands and feet are bound or nailed to a cross.
CRUCIFIXION, noun. The death of Jesus by crucifixion.
CRUCIFIXION, noun. The infliction of extremely painful punishment or suffering.
Wise words
A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is
the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color
and content according to the circumstances and time in which
it is used.