Associations to the word «Courser»


COURSER, noun. A dog used for coursing.
COURSER, noun. A person who practises coursing.
COURSER, noun. A hunter.
COURSER, noun. A stone used in building a course.
COURSER, noun. A racehorse or a charger.
COURSER, noun. Any of several species of bird in the genus Cursorius of the family Glareolidae.

Dictionary definition

COURSER, noun. A huntsman who hunts small animals with fast dogs that use sight rather than scent to follow their prey.
COURSER, noun. Formerly a strong swift horse ridden into battle.
COURSER, noun. A dog trained for coursing.
COURSER, noun. Swift-footed terrestrial plover-like bird of southern Asia and Africa; related to the pratincoles.

Wise words

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Saint Augustine