Associations to the word «Correlative»


CORRELATIVE, adjective. Mutually related; corresponding
CORRELATIVE, noun. Either of two correlative things.
CORRELATIVE, noun. (grammar) A pro-form; a non-personal pronominal, proadjectival, or proadverbal form, in Esperanto regularly formed, indicating 'which?', 'that', 'some', 'none', and 'every', as applied to people, things, type, place, manner, reason, time, or quantity, as: kiu ‘who’ (which person?), iu ‘someone’ (some person), tie ‘there’ (that place), ĉie ‘everywhere’ (all places), etc.

Dictionary definition

CORRELATIVE, noun. Either of two or more related or complementary variables.
CORRELATIVE, adjective. Mutually related.
CORRELATIVE, adjective. Expressing a reciprocal or complementary relation; "correlative conjunctions".

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