Associations to the word «Cordon»


CORDON, noun. (archaic) A ribbon normally worn diagonally across the chest as a decoration or insignia of rank etc.
CORDON, noun. A line of people or things placed around an area to enclose or protect it.
CORDON, noun. (cricket) The arc of fielders on the off side, behind the batsman - the slips and gully.
CORDON, noun. (botany) A woody plant, such as a fruit tree, pruned and trained to grow as a single stem on a support.
CORDON, verb. (with "off") To form a cordon around an area in order to prevent movement in or out.
CORDON BLEU, noun. A skillful chef.
CORDON BLEU, noun. An award given to such chefs.
CORDON BLEU, noun. (US) Thin slices of veal, ham and cheese breaded and sautéed; somewhat like a wiener schnitzel, or Viennese cutlet.
CORDON OFF, verb. To protect from intrusion by enclosing in a rope barrier.
CORDON SANITAIRE, noun. A barrier (physical or administrative) to prevent the spread of disease.
CORDON SANITAIRE, noun. (by extension) Any barrier to the spread of anything deemed undesirable.

Dictionary definition

CORDON, noun. A series of sentinels or of military posts enclosing or guarding some place or thing.
CORDON, noun. Cord or ribbon worn as an insignia of honor or rank.
CORDON, noun. Adornment consisting of an ornamental ribbon or cord.

Wise words

Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life - in firmness of mind and a mastery of appetite. It teaches us to do, as well as talk, and to make our words and actions all of a color.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca