Associations to the word «Convergent»


CONVERGENT, adjective. That converges or focuses
CONVERGENT, adjective. (analysis) (topology) Of a sequence in a metric space or a topological space; having a (finite, proper) limit.
CONVERGENT, noun. (mathematics) the rational number obtained when a continued fraction has been terminated after a finite number of terms
CONVERGENT EVOLUTION, noun. (biology) A trait of evolution in which species acquire similar properties because of their advantageousness.
CONVERGENT EXTENSION, noun. (embryology) A series of actions via which the embryonic tissue is reorganized to concenter along one axis and elongate along a perpendicular axis through the movement of cells.
CONVERGENT SEQUENCE, noun. (analysis) a sequence which converges
CONVERGENT SEQUENCES, noun. Plural of convergent sequence
CONVERGENT SERIES, noun. (analysis) An infinite series whose partial sums converge

Dictionary definition

CONVERGENT, adjective. Tending to come together from different directions.

Wise words

He that hath knowledge spareth his words.
Francis Bacon