Associations to the word «Compact»


COMPACT, noun. An agreement or contract.
COMPACT, adjective. Closely packed, i.e. packing much in a small space.
COMPACT, adjective. Having all necessary features fitting neatly into a small space.
COMPACT, adjective. (mathematics) (uncomparable) (of a set in an Euclidean space) Closed and bounded.
COMPACT, adjective. (topology) (uncomparable) (of a set) Such that every open cover of the given set has a finite subcover.
COMPACT, adjective. Brief; close; pithy; not diffuse; not verbose.
COMPACT, adjective. (obsolete) Joined or held together; leagued; confederated.
COMPACT, adjective. (obsolete) Composed or made; with of.
COMPACT, noun. A small, slim folding case, often featuring a mirror, powder and a powderpuff; that fits into a woman's purse or handbag, or that slips into ones pocket.
COMPACT, noun. A broadsheet newspaper published in the size of a tabloid but keeping its non-sensational style.
COMPACT, verb. (transitive) To make more dense; to compress.
COMPACT, verb. To unite or connect firmly, as in a system.
COMPACT CAR, noun. A small and economical car.
COMPACT DISC, noun. An optical disc used to store audio or other data.
COMPACT DISCS, noun. Plural of compact disc
COMPACT DISK, noun. A form of digital media on a plastic disc read by a laser in a CD drive. It comes in several varieties including CD-ROM, CD-R, and CD-RW.
COMPACT DISKS, noun. Plural of compact disk
COMPACT FLUORESCENT LAMP, noun. A type of fluorescent lamp (that may or may not contain mercury).
COMPACT FLUORESCENT LAMPS, noun. Plural of compact fluorescent lamp
COMPACT NEIGHBORHOOD, noun. Higher-density development in which a variety of land uses are located such that residents and workers are within walking distance of many destinations.
COMPACT NEIGHBOURHOOD, noun. Higher-density development in which a variety of land uses are located such that residents and workers are within walking distance of many destinations.
COMPACT SPACE, noun. (mathematics) Any topological subset of Euclidean space that is a compact set
COMPACT SPACES, noun. Plural of compact space

Dictionary definition

COMPACT, noun. A small cosmetics case with a mirror; to be carried in a woman's purse.
COMPACT, noun. A signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action.
COMPACT, noun. A small and economical car.
COMPACT, verb. Have the property of being packable or of compacting easily; "This powder compacts easily"; "Such odd-shaped items do not pack well".
COMPACT, verb. Compress into a wad; "wad paper into the box".
COMPACT, verb. Make more compact by or as if by pressing; "compress the data".
COMPACT, verb. Squeeze or press together; "she compressed her lips"; "the spasm contracted the muscle".
COMPACT, adjective. Closely and firmly united or packed together; "compact soil"; "compact clusters of flowers".
COMPACT, adjective. Having a short and solid form or stature; "a wrestler of compact build"; "he was tall and heavyset"; "stocky legs"; "a thickset young man".
COMPACT, adjective. Briefly giving the gist of something; "a short and compendious book"; "a compact style is brief and pithy"; "succinct comparisons"; "a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject".

Wise words

Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
Blaise Pascal