Associations to the word «Responsive»


RESPONSIVE, adjective. Answering, replying or responding.
RESPONSIVE, adjective. Able to receive and respond to external stimuli.
RESPONSIVE, adjective. Using antiphons; antiphonal.
RESPONSIVE, adjective. Susceptible to the feelings of others.
RESPONSIVE, adjective. (obsolete) Suited to something else; correspondent.
RESPONSIVE, adjective. (obsolete) responsible

Dictionary definition

RESPONSIVE, adjective. Containing or using responses; alternating; "responsive reading"; "antiphonal laughter".
RESPONSIVE, adjective. Readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli; showing emotion; "children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience".
RESPONSIVE, adjective. Reacting to a stimulus; "the skin of old persons is less reactive than that of younger persons".

Wise words

Every once in a while, you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You can't do that. It's gone, gone forever.
Dan Quayle