Associations to the word «Accountable»


ACCOUNTABLE, adjective. Having accountability (individuals have accountability); answerable.
ACCOUNTABLE, adjective. Requiring accountability (property or funds require accountability).
ACCOUNTABLE, adjective. Liable to be called on to render an account;
ACCOUNTABLE, adjective. Being answerable for.
ACCOUNTABLE, adjective. Being liable for.
ACCOUNTABLE, adjective. (rare) Capable of being accounted for; explicable; explainable.
ACCOUNTABLE CRYPTOMATERIAL, noun. Cryptomaterial which, for reasons of control or security, requires periodic accounting to the office of record and issue from the time of receipt until the time of disposition. Included are all registered items and certain nonregistered items identified as nonregistered accountable.
ACCOUNTABLE DEPOT, noun. A depot maintaining a formal set of accountable records.
ACCOUNTABLE DISBURSING OFFICER, noun. (military) Any commissioned military officer who receives and disburses public money in his own name for purposes specified by law.
ACCOUNTABLE DISBURSING OFFICERS, noun. Plural of accountable disbursing officer
ACCOUNTABLE MAIL, noun. (US) A category of mail in the US Postal Service including registered, numbered, insured, and certified mail.
ACCOUNTABLE MAILS, noun. (rare) plural of accountable mail
ACCOUNTABLE OFFICER, noun. Individual required to maintain accounting, including records thereof, of property and funds, whether public or quasi-public. The accountable officer may or may not have physical possession of the property or funds.
ACCOUNTABLE PROPERTY OFFICER'S BOND, noun. A bond executed by an individual who is charged with the responsibility of protecting and maintaining Government property or keeping records for such property.

Dictionary definition

ACCOUNTABLE, adjective. Liable to account for one's actions; "governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves"; "fully accountable for what they did"; "the court held the parents answerable for their minor child's acts of vandalism"; "he was answerable to no one".

Wise words

He that hath knowledge spareth his words.
Francis Bacon