Associations to the word «Clack»


CLACK, noun. An abrupt, sharp sound, especially one made by two hard objects colliding repetitively; a clatter; in sound, midway between a click and a clunk
CLACK, noun. Anything that causes a clacking noise, such as the clapper of a mill, or a clack valve.
CLACK, noun. Chatter; prattle
CLACK, verb. (intransitive) To make a sudden, sharp noise, or succession of noises; to click.
CLACK, verb. (transitive) To cause to make a sudden, sharp noise, or succession of noises; to click.
CLACK, verb. To chatter or babble; to utter rapidly without consideration.
CLACK, verb. (UK) To cut the sheep's mark off (wool), to make the wool weigh less and thus yield less duty.
CLACK BOX, noun. The box or chamber in which a clack valve works.
CLACK DISH, noun. A dish with a movable lid, formerly carried by beggars, who clacked the lid to attract notice.
CLACK DISHES, noun. Plural of clack dish
CLACK DOOR, noun. (mining) The removable cover of the opening giving access to a pump valve.
CLACK VALVE, noun. (engineering) A valve; especially one hinged at one edge, which, when raised from its seat, falls with a clacking sound.
CLACK VALVES, noun. Plural of clack valve

Dictionary definition

CLACK, noun. A sharp abrupt noise as if two objects hit together; may be repeated.
CLACK, noun. A simple valve with a hinge on one side; allows fluid to flow in only one direction.
CLACK, verb. Make a rattling sound; "clattering dishes".
CLACK, verb. Make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens.
CLACK, verb. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly.

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson