Associations to the word «Charismatic»
- Performer
- Deliverance
- Promise
- Populace
- Jamal
- Divination
- Lama
- Mysticism
- Devotion
- Hitler
- Veneration
- Charlemagne
- Brotherhood
- Whitehall
- Warlord
- Sacrament
- Schism
- Missionary
- Dominican
- Derby
- Covenant
- Amulet
- Theologian
- Ers
- Ern
- Revelation
- Crusade
- Masse
- Burgess
- Legion
- Portrayal
- Dictionary
- Founder
- Popularity
- Phenomenon
- Emergence
- Presence
- Dharma
- Fraternity
- Fascist
- Sant
- Tradition
- Bloomington
- Revolt
- Testament
- Appeal
- Ghana
- Inquisition
- Gee
- Convergence
- Unrest
- Trait
- Baba
- Outreach
- Tors
- Reputation
- Trance
- Eduard
- Orthodoxy
- Ty
- Doctrine
- Acceptance
- Sheikh
- Appearing
- Stereotype
CHARISMATIC, adjective. Of, related to, or having charisma.
CHARISMATIC, adjective. Of, related to, or being a member of a form of Christianity that emphasises the role of the Holy Spirit.
CHARISMATIC, noun. A member of such a Christian movement
CHARISMATIC, noun. A member of the Charismatic Movement
CHARISMATIC MEGAFAUNA, noun. Large animals with broad popular appeal, especially as used by activists to focus public opinion on environmentalist goals.
CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT, proper noun. A Pentecostal movement within mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches
Dictionary definition
CHARISMATIC, adjective. Possessing an extraordinary ability to attract; "a charismatic leader"; "a magnetic personality".
Wise words
More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the
words men use.