Associations to the word «Carrousel»
- Louvre
- Pont
- Disneyland
- Arc
- Palais
- Rue
- Seine
- Cinderella
- Arch
- Midway
- Paris
- Courtyard
- Napoleon
- Palace
- Parade
- Salon
- Philippe
- Des
- Statue
- Mall
- Shopping
- Ride
- Le
- Arthur
- Wicket
- Boulevard
- Circle
- Dress
- Place
- Triumph
- Garden
- Square
- Entrance
- Louis
- De
- Attraction
- Crowd
- Cannon
- Factory
- Fair
- France
- Photo
- Carriage
- Museum
- Relief
- Horse
- Gallery
- Gate
- Saint
- Destruction
- Clock
- Apartment
- Festival
- Hat
- Bridge
- Rome
- King
- Window
- Prince
- Carolina
- Grand
- Der
- Park
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CARROUSEL, noun. A ride in a carnival or circus, or park, that usually has seats fashioned like horses or other animals
CARROUSEL, noun. A means of retrieving luggage at an airport or other travel area
Dictionary definition
CARROUSEL, noun. A conveyer belt that carries luggage to be claimed by air travelers.
CARROUSEL, noun. A large, rotating machine with seats for children to ride or amusement.
Wise words
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events,
not of words. Trust movement.