Associations to the word «Bengali»
- Karim
- Prakash
- Geography
- Reformer
- Jurist
- Movie
- Repertoire
- Sonar
- Shri
- Para
- Pradesh
- Autonomy
- Quran
- Font
- Laureate
- Autograph
- Shah
- Curriculum
- Proverb
- Guru
- Tract
- Immigrant
- Asia
- Hq
- Lanka
- Majority
- Phoneme
- Bene
- Sahib
- Inuit
- Disciple
- Ram
- Civilian
- Ber
- Hadith
- Epic
- Muhammad
- Recitation
- Mainstream
- Curry
- Guerrilla
- Novel
- Kon
- Statesman
- Movement
- Rajasthan
- Imam
- Festivity
- Englishman
- Classical
- Philosophy
- Genre
- Renault
- Ga
- Dessert
- Spice
- Statistic
- Pioneer
- Bai
- Na
- Resentment
- Discrimination
- Dictionary
- Educator
- Everest
BENGALI, adjective. Of, from or pertaining to Bengal
BENGALI, noun. A person from Bengal or of Bengali descent.
BENGALI, proper noun. Language spoken in Bangladesh and the states of Tripura and West Bengal, India.
Dictionary definition
BENGALI, noun. (Hinduism) a member of a people living in Bangladesh and West Bengal (mainly Hindus).
BENGALI, noun. An ethnic group speaking Bengali and living in Bangladesh and eastern India.
BENGALI, noun. A Magadhan language spoken by the Bengali people; the official language of Bangladesh and Bengal.
BENGALI, adjective. Of or relating to or characteristic of Bengal or its people; "Bengali hills".
Wise words
Language is a process of free creation; its laws and
principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles
of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even
the interpretation and use of words involves a process of
free creation.