Associations to the word «Biographical»
- Dictionary
- Sketch
- Directory
- Memoir
- Anecdote
- Lexicon
- Seniority
- Appendix
- Greenwood
- Westport
- Encyclopedia
- Compendium
- Essay
- Encyclopaedia
- Preface
- Iconography
- Chalmers
- Pioneer
- Rees
- Vols
- Gazetteer
- Entry
- Portrait
- Detail
- Budapest
- Datum
- Hadith
- Context
- Almanac
- Biographer
- Baker
- Bergen
- Information
- Narrative
- Summary
- Chronology
- Drama
- Peck
- Auto
- Bose
- Classical
- Info
- Upbringing
- Chambers
- Reminiscence
- Obituary
- Notice
- Booklet
- Biography
- Engraver
- Documentary
- Annal
- Haydn
- Portraying
- Britannica
- Foreword
- Thriller
- Autobiography
- Twentieth
- Browne
- Ira
- Feminism
- Writings
- Anu
- Doubleday
- Nicolas
- Boswell
- Botanist
- Volume
- Compiler
- Canberra
- Leben
BIOGRAPHICAL, adjective. Of or relating to an account of a person's life.
Dictionary definition
BIOGRAPHICAL, adjective. Of or relating to or being biography; "biographical data".
Wise words
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make
his words good.