Associations to the word «Biographical»
- Illustrated
- Academy
- Register
- Chandra
- Plutarch
- Dramatist
- Edition
- Musician
- Jeremiah
- Genealogy
- Graduate
- Note
- Lds
- Contemporary
- Starring
- Novel
- Persons
- Publishing
- Portrayal
- Scientology
- Melvin
- Miniseries
- Detailing
- Transcript
- Article
- Index
- Author
- Dix
- Geoff
- Carlyle
- Alexandria
- Memorial
- Goethe
- Fellows
- Monograph
- Colored
- Marilyn
- Correspondence
- Introduction
- Biological
- Narration
- Eastwood
- Kingship
- Film
- Parliament
- Work
- Vita
- Kathleen
- Ry
- Garland
- Catalogue
- Recollection
- Literature
- Account
- Excerpt
- Briton
- Catholic
- Ed
- Coleridge
- Chronicle
- Historiography
- Feather
- Ct
- Melbourne
- Legislature
- Austen
- Hubbard
- Ingrid
BIOGRAPHICAL, adjective. Of or relating to an account of a person's life.
Dictionary definition
BIOGRAPHICAL, adjective. Of or relating to or being biography; "biographical data".
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.