Associations to the word «Catalogue»


CATALOGUE, noun. A systematic list of names, books, pictures etc.
CATALOGUE, noun. A complete (usually alphabetical) list of items.
CATALOGUE, noun. A list of all the publications in a library.
CATALOGUE, noun. (US) A university calendar.
CATALOGUE, noun. (computing) (dated) A directory listing.
CATALOGUE, verb. To put into a catalogue.
CATALOGUE, verb. To make a catalogue of.
CATALOGUE, verb. To add items (e.g. books) to an existing catalogue.
CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ, noun. A complete index, usually with descriptions and reproductions, of a body of work, such as all the creations of a single artist.

Dictionary definition

CATALOGUE, noun. A complete list of things; usually arranged systematically; "it does not pretend to be a catalog of his achievements".
CATALOGUE, noun. A book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things; "he found it in the Sears catalog".
CATALOGUE, verb. Make an itemized list or catalog of; classify; "He is cataloguing his photographic negatives".
CATALOGUE, verb. Make a catalogue, compile a catalogue; "She spends her weekends cataloguing".

Wise words

The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.
Leo Tolstoy