Associations to the word «Augmented»


AUGMENTED, adjective. Increased in number, amount or strength.
AUGMENTED, adjective. (music) increased by a semitone.
AUGMENTED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of augment
AUGMENTED FIFTH, noun. (music) A musical interval of the Western twelve-semitone system consisting of eight semitones and spanning five degrees of the diatonic scale. It is one semitone wider than a perfect fifth and enharmonically equivalent to a minor sixth.
AUGMENTED FIFTHS, noun. Plural of augmented fifth
AUGMENTED FOURTH, noun. (music) A type of tritone in musical composition comprising of six semitones. It spans four diatonic scale degrees like a perfect fourth but with an extension of a semitone. The number of diatonic degrees it spans is what distinguishes it from a diminished fifth.
AUGMENTED FOURTHS, noun. Plural of augmented fourth
AUGMENTED INTERVAL, noun. (music) an interval that is increased one half step from either a major interval or a perfect interval
AUGMENTED INTERVALS, noun. Plural of augmented interval
AUGMENTED NINTH, noun. (music) an interval that is one octave wider than an augmented second
AUGMENTED NINTHS, noun. Plural of augmented ninth
AUGMENTED OCTAVE, noun. (music) A musical interval of the Western twelve-semitone system consisting of thirteen semitones and spanning eight degrees of the diatonic scale. It is one semitone wider than a perfect octave and enharmonically equivalent to a minor ninth/compound minor second.
AUGMENTED OCTAVES, noun. Plural of augmented octave
AUGMENTED REALITIES, noun. Plural of augmented reality
AUGMENTED REALITY, noun. (computing) The merging of a view of the real-world environment upon a digital image in real time
AUGMENTED SECOND, noun. (music) an interval that is equivalent to three half steps
AUGMENTED SECONDS, noun. Plural of augmented second
AUGMENTED SEVENTH, noun. (music) an interval that is equivalent to an octave
AUGMENTED SEVENTHS, noun. Plural of augmented seventh
AUGMENTED SIXTH, noun. (music) an interval that is equivalent to a minor seventh
AUGMENTED SIXTH CHORD, noun. (music) a chord that contains a lowered submediant scale degree and a raised subdominant scale degree
AUGMENTED SIXTH CHORDS, noun. Plural of augmented sixth chord
AUGMENTED SIXTHS, noun. Plural of augmented sixth
AUGMENTED SPHENOCORONA, noun. (geometry) A polyhedron, one of the Johnson solids, whose faces are composed of 16 equilateral triangles and 1 square.
AUGMENTED THIRD, noun. (music) an interval that is equivalent to a perfect fourth
AUGMENTED THIRDS, noun. Plural of augmented third
AUGMENTED TRIAD, noun. (music) a triad with an augmented fifth between the bottom note and the top note
AUGMENTED TRIADS, noun. Plural of augmented triad
AUGMENTED UNISON, noun. (music) an interval that is equivalent to a half step
AUGMENTED UNISONS, noun. Plural of augmented unison

Dictionary definition

AUGMENTED, adjective. Added to or made greater in amount or number or strength; "his augmented renown"; "a greatly augmented collection of books".

Wise words

Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say "infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.
C. S. Lewis