Associations to the word «Widening»
- Grin
- Lane
- Median
- Rift
- Disbelief
- Fissure
- Gap
- Breach
- Roadway
- Widening
- Interchange
- Eye
- Nostril
- Scope
- Freeway
- Crack
- Chasm
- Parkway
- Narrow
- Smile
- Translator
- Turnpike
- Expressway
- Viaduct
- Congestion
- Sidewalk
- Highway
- Md
- Slit
- Footpath
- Aisle
- Thoroughfare
- Horizon
- Estuary
- Surprise
- Width
- Passageway
- Astonishment
- Crevice
- Bypass
- Defi
- Motorway
- Belisarius
- Embankment
- Road
- Gorge
- Ramp
- Boulevard
- Walkway
- Chancel
- Silt
- Disparity
- Intersection
- Corridor
- Incision
- Apex
- Francesca
- Traffic
- Cr
- Ripple
- Canyon
- Demolition
- Asphalt
- Concurrency
WIDEN, verb. (intransitive) To become wide or wider.
WIDEN, verb. (transitive) To make wide or wider.
WIDEN, verb. (transitive) To let out clothes to a larger size.
WIDEN, verb. (transitive) To broaden or extend in scope or range.
Dictionary definition
WIDEN, verb. Become broader or wider or more extensive; "The road widened".
WIDEN, verb. Make (clothes) larger; "Let out that dress--I gained a lot of weight".
WIDEN, verb. Make wider; "widen the road".
WIDEN, verb. Extend in scope or range or area; "The law was extended to all citizens"; "widen the range of applications"; "broaden your horizon"; "Extend your backyard".
Wise words
A picture is worth a thousand words.