Associations to the word «Acer»


ACE, noun. A single point or spot on a playing card or die.
ACE, noun. A card or die face so marked.
ACE, noun. A very small quantity or degree; a particle; an atom; a jot.
ACE, noun. (tennis) A serve won without the opponent hitting the ball.
ACE, noun. (sports) A single point won by a stroke, as in handball, rackets, etc.
ACE, noun. (US) (baseball) The best pitcher on the team.
ACE, noun. (US) (baseball) (dated) (19th century) A run.
ACE, noun. (US) (golf) A hole in one.
ACE, noun. An expert at something.
ACE, noun. A military aircraft pilot who is credited with shooting down many enemy aircraft, typically five or more.
ACE, noun. (US) A perfect score on a school exam.
ACE, verb. (US) To pass (a test, interviews etc.) perfectly.
ACE, verb. (tennis) To win a point by an ace.
ACE, verb. (golf) To make an ace (hole in one).
ACE, adjective. (UK) (slang) Excellent.
ACE, adjective. (slang) Asexual. (not experiencing sexual attraction)
ACE, noun. (slang) A person who is asexual.
ACE, proper noun. A male given name.
ACE, proper noun. A common nickname suggesting skill, particularly among airplane pilots.
ACE, proper noun. American Council on Education
ACE, proper noun. Advanced Composition Explorer – a NASA spacecraft
ACE, proper noun. American Cinema Editors
ACE, noun. (medicine) angiotensin converting enzyme
ACE, noun. A member of American Cinema Editors
ACE, noun. (military) (NATO) air combat element
ACE, noun. Analysis and control element
ACE, noun. (military) (USMC) aviation combat element
ACE BOON COON, noun. (US) (slang) A close friend.
ACE BOON COONS, noun. Plural of ace boon coon
ACE IN THE HOLE, noun. (idiomatic) (US) (informal) A hidden or secret strength, or unrevealed advantage.
ACE INHIBITOR, noun. (medical) any one of a class of blood pressure-lowering drugs, including captopril and enalapril, that cause the arteries to widen by preventing the synthesis on angiotensin
ACE INHIBITORS, noun. Plural of ACE inhibitor
ACE OF ACES, noun. (military) The military ace with the greatest number of kills, still in active service, of a nation's military forces, of a particular branch.
ACE OF CLUBS, noun. One of the 52 playing cards from a standard pack as used for bridge and poker, with a single pip, with a nominal value of 1, and with the clubs suit.
ACE OF DIAMONDS, noun. One of the 52 playing cards from a standard pack as used for bridge and poker, with a single pip, with a nominal value of 1, and with the diamonds suit.
ACE OF HEARTS, noun. One of the 52 playing cards from a standard pack as used for bridge and poker, with a single pip, with a nominal value of 1, and with the hearts suit.
ACE OF SPADES, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see The playing card belonging to the spades suit and featuring one pip.
ACE UP ONE'S SLEEVE, noun. (idiomatic) A surprise advantage of which others are not aware.

Dictionary definition

ACE, noun. The smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one".
ACE, noun. One of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face.
ACE, noun. Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field.
ACE, noun. Proteolytic enzyme that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II.
ACE, noun. A major strategic headquarters of NATO; safeguards an area extending from Norway to Turkey.
ACE, noun. A serve that the receiver is unable to reach.
ACE, verb. Succeed at easily; "She sailed through her exams"; "You will pass with flying colors"; "She nailed her astrophysics course".
ACE, verb. Score an ace against; "He aced his opponents".
ACE, verb. Play (a hole) in one stroke.
ACE, verb. Serve an ace against (someone).
ACE, adjective. Of the highest quality; "an ace reporter"; "a crack shot"; "a first-rate golfer"; "a super party"; "played top-notch tennis"; "an athlete in tiptop condition"; "she is absolutely tops".

Wise words

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Napoleon Bonaparte