Associations to the word «Abolitionism»
- Abolitionist
- Temperance
- Slavery
- Emancipation
- Quaker
- Historiography
- Abolition
- Liberator
- Douglass
- Angelina
- Weld
- Romanticism
- Prostitution
- Emerson
- Garrison
- Stowe
- Abby
- Rights
- Suffrage
- Quincy
- Slave
- Feminism
- Colonization
- Reform
- Reformer
- Waldo
- Proponent
- Kelley
- Methodist
- Protestantism
- Lloyd
- Harriet
- Radical
- Agitation
- Id
- Preaching
- 3d
- Movement
- Activism
- Theodore
- Abortion
- Anti
- Sentiment
- Lydia
- Embrace
- Advocate
- Underground
- Debate
- Proclamation
- Stance
- Peabody
- Black
- African
- Mob
- Emergence
- Fuller
- Affinity
- Evangelical
- Racism
- Equality
- Supporter
- Gender
- Violence
- Enlightenment
- Sympathy
- Evil
- Springfield
- Abraham
- Plantation
- Railroad
- Passion
- Narrative
- Hopkins
- Commitment
ABOLITIONISM, noun. An opinion in favor of the abolition of something; the tenets of abolitionists. [First attested in the early 19th century.]
Dictionary definition
ABOLITIONISM, noun. The doctrine that calls for the abolition of slavery.
Wise words
In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike
fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the
new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.