Associations to the word «Abjure»
- Heresy
- Protestantism
- Catholicism
- Heretic
- Allegiance
- Oath
- Pretender
- Faith
- Navarre
- Galileo
- Tabernacle
- Relapse
- Covenant
- Error
- Bosom
- Catholic
- Converting
- Creed
- Doctrine
- Repeal
- Curse
- Realm
- Supremacy
- Vow
- Obedience
- Reject
- Religion
- Reformation
- Tyranny
- Torture
- Sabbath
- Refusal
- Moral
- Communion
- Henri
- Persecution
- Clergy
- Dependence
- Suspicion
- Pope
- Confession
- Christianity
- Profession
- Worship
- Bishop
- Conscience
- Accused
- Belief
- Vengeance
- Deed
- Sect
- Protestant
- Hatred
- Witch
- Abandon
- Convert
- Eldest
- Christian
- Declaration
- Evil
- Christ
ABJURE, verb. (transitive) To renounce upon oath; to forswear; to disavow. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABJURE, verb. (transitive) (obsolete) (historical) To cause one to renounce or recant. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABJURE, verb. (transitive) To reject with solemnity; to abandon forever; to repudiate; to disclaim. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABJURE, verb. (transitive) To abstain from; to avoid; to shun.
ABJURE THE REALM, verb. (chiefly historical) (English legal) To swear to leave the realm as soon as possible and not return without the permission of the sovereign.
Dictionary definition
ABJURE, verb. Formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure; "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She abjured her beliefs".
Wise words
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed
in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy,