Associations to the word «Swear»
- Oath
- Allegiance
- Secrecy
- Swearing
- Vengeance
- Loyalty
- Vow
- Fidelity
- Seniority
- Revenge
- Damn
- Affirmation
- Almighty
- Juror
- Quixote
- Sancho
- Obedience
- Testimony
- Notary
- Vassal
- Chastity
- Witness
- Constable
- Crucifix
- Pledge
- Wilt
- Curse
- Homage
- Allah
- Inauguration
- Deposition
- Jury
- Breath
- Foe
- Warrant
- Senor
- Knighthood
- Elect
- Cabinet
- Brotherhood
- Falsehood
- Nay
- Inquest
- Ay
- Counsellor
- Gallows
- Bailiff
- Covenant
- Promise
- Jove
- Enforcement
- Suitor
- Sheriff
- Constitution
- Magistrate
- Enemy
- Beloved
SWEAR, verb. (intransitive) (transitive) To take an oath.
SWEAR, verb. (intransitive) To use offensive language.
SWEAR, noun. A swearword.
SWEAR, adjective. (UK dialectal) Heavy.
SWEAR, adjective. (UK dialectal) Top-heavy; too high.
SWEAR, adjective. (UK dialectal) Dull; heavy; lazy; slow; reluctant; unwilling.
SWEAR, adjective. (UK dialectal) Niggardly.
SWEAR, adjective. (UK dialectal) A lazy time; a short rest during working hours (especially field labour); a siesta.
SWEAR, verb. (UK dialectal) To be lazy; rest for a short while during working hours.
SWEAR BOX, noun. (informal) a money box, used to collect a nominal fine from people who use foul language, especially in a workplace.
SWEAR BY, verb. (idiomatic) To wholeheartedly trust.
SWEAR DOWN, verb. To promise that something isn't true
SWEAR DOWN, verb. To promise; swear; give one's word
SWEAR IN, verb. (transitive) To administer an oath to, as an oath of office or of citizenship.
SWEAR JAR, noun. A jar into which anybody who utters a profanity is obliged to drop some money.
SWEAR LIKE A SAILOR, verb. (simile) Alternative form of swear like a trooper
SWEAR LIKE A TROOPER, verb. (simile) To swear a lot; to utter many swear words.
SWEAR OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To quit or cease completely, or to promise to quit, as of a bad habit.
SWEAR ON A STACK OF BIBLES, verb. (idiomatic) To make a promise or give one's assurance with great conviction.
SWEAR OUT, verb. (transitive) To obtain (a warrant or the like) by swearing to facts.
SWEAR THE PEACE AGAINST SOMEONE, verb. To make oath that one is under the actual fear of death or bodily harm from someone, in which case that person must find sureties that he/she will keep the peace.
SWEAR WORD, noun. A word considered taboo and impolite or offensive.
SWEAR WORDS, noun. Plural of swear word
Dictionary definition
SWEAR, verb. Utter obscenities or profanities; "The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street".
SWEAR, verb. To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true; "Before God I swear I am innocent".
SWEAR, verb. Promise solemnly; take an oath.
SWEAR, verb. Make a deposition; declare under oath.
SWEAR, verb. Have confidence or faith in; "We can trust in God"; "Rely on your friends"; "bank on your good education"; "I swear by my grandmother's recipes".
Wise words
Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe.
Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with
things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.