Associations to the word «Wilton»
- Glen
- Bury
- Peterborough
- Grafton
- Exeter
- Randolph
- Ipswich
- Bridget
- Massey
- Maureen
- Corporal
- Shipyard
- Westminster
- Brussels
- Fitch
- Morley
- Angus
- Berwick
- Baronet
- Somerset
- Alta
- Cowan
- Shaun
- Rupert
- Guitarist
- Stafford
- Norwich
- Coronation
- Warwick
- Iowa
- New
- Gregory
- Worcester
- Southampton
- Maud
- Adler
- Arthur
- Pollard
- Oasis
- Bedford
- Darlington
- Clara
- Edgar
- Shire
- Shrewsbury
- Wellington
- Traitor
- Constance
- Georgetown
- Thornton
- Neville
- Bourne
- Hastings
- Sculptor
- Convent
- Castle
- Denise
- Frankie
- Graves
- Carlisle
- Mall
- Married
- Davies
- Squire
- Baldwin
- Herring
- Weir
- Berkshire
- Charley
- Parliament
- Rao
- Oakland
- Mint
- Ethel
- Springs
- Junction
- Saxon
- Henderson
- Eldest
- Wilkinson
- Bass
- Leicester
- Elizabeth
- Parish
- Nick
- Ieee
- Tucker
- Michael
WILTON, noun. A type of carpet, originally made in the town of Wilton.
Dictionary definition
WILTON, noun. A carpet woven on a Jacquard loom with loops like a Brussels carpet but having the loops cut to form a close velvety pile.
Wise words
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there
is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to
take away.