Associations to the word «Vesuvius»
- Eruption
- Pliny
- Naples
- Lava
- Volcano
- Mount
- Crater
- Torre
- Ash
- Magma
- Cone
- Greco
- Fume
- Ascent
- Slope
- Papyrus
- Titus
- Ad
- Basalt
- Plume
- Promontory
- Vineyard
- Villa
- Fuji
- Earthquake
- Fissure
- Observatory
- Filippo
- Furnace
- Italy
- Monte
- Fragmentation
- Vine
- Gaius
- Giorgio
- Summit
- Lucifer
- Surge
- Blackness
- Sicily
- Smoke
- Hms
- Concord
- Fresco
- Haze
- Graffito
- Destruction
- Elder
- Iceland
- Laguna
- Avalanche
- Excavation
- Airfield
- Flame
- Moonlight
- Cloud
- Glare
- Niagara
- Outline
- Dump
- Bay
- Mist
- Roman
- Mediterranean
- Flank
- Rome
- Painting
- Traveller
- Vicinity
- Grape
- Disaster
VESUVIUS, proper noun. A volcanic mountain in Italy
Dictionary definition
VESUVIUS, noun. A volcano in southwestern Italy on the Mediterranean coast; a Plinian eruption in 79 AD buried Pompeii and killed Pliny the Elder; last erupted in 1944.
Wise words
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events,
not of words. Trust movement.