Associations to the word «Theatrical»


THEATRICAL, adjective. Of or relating to the theatre.
THEATRICAL, adjective. Fake and exaggerated.
THEATRICAL, noun. A stage performance, especially one by amateurs.
THEATRICAL FILM, noun. (film) A motion picture specifically made to be shown in a theatre, as opposed to a made-for-television film, or a film released directly to video.
THEATRICAL PROP, noun. Items used in stage plays and similar entertainments to further the action

Dictionary definition

THEATRICAL, noun. A performance of a play.
THEATRICAL, adjective. Of or relating to the theater.
THEATRICAL, adjective. Suited to or characteristic of the stage or theater; "a theatrical pose"; "one of the most theatrical figures in public life".

Wise words

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery