Associations to the word «Socialist»
- Cadre
- Working
- Bucharest
- Luxembourg
- Governorate
- Struggle
- Weimar
- Ukraine
- Erich
- Merger
- Coup
- Unrest
- Turkmenistan
- Agitation
- Elite
- Environmentalist
- Galicia
- Plurality
- Policy
- Independent
- Election
- Barre
- Orientation
- Orator
- Idealism
- Felipe
- Delegate
- Masse
- Macedonian
- Dissolution
- Globalization
- Islamist
- Orthodoxy
- Junta
- Lange
- Conscription
- Nikolai
- Abolition
- Wing
- Moldova
- Split
- Breakup
- Vietnamese
- Newspaper
- Belarus
- Presidency
- Purge
- Autonomy
- Harrington
- Economics
- Vladimir
- Ism
- Molotov
- Referendum
- Benito
- Youth
- Pe
- Kahn
- Maclean
- Thatcher
- Croatian
- Montenegrin
- Gaulle
- Yemen
- Dal
SOCIALIST, adjective. Of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism.
SOCIALIST, noun. One who practices or advocates socialism.
SOCIALIST, adjective. Of, belonging to, or constituting a party or political group that advocates socialism.
SOCIALIST, noun. A member of a party or political group that advocates socialism.
SOCIALIST FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA, proper noun. The Yugoslav state that existed from 1943 until 1992 (abbreviation SFRY)
SOCIALIST REALISM, noun. (arts) A Stalinist idealization of the dictatorship of the proletariat applied to art that used realistic techniques to show the struggle for socialism in a positive and optimistic manner
SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM, proper noun. Official name of the country popularly known as Vietnam. Abbreviation: SRV.
Dictionary definition
SOCIALIST, noun. A political advocate of socialism.
SOCIALIST, adjective. Advocating or following the socialist principles; "socialistic government".
Wise words
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite
surprised to be taken at his word.