Associations to the word «Shaky»
- Handwriting
- Breath
- Laugh
- Leg
- Sunset
- Voice
- Dizziness
- Pale
- Renie
- Lamont
- Truce
- Trifle
- Deep
- Whisper
- Faint
- Knee
- Sortie
- Jasper
- Grin
- Start
- Ordeal
- Drow
- Langdon
- Cam
- Dekker
- Rung
- Sweating
- Camera
- Louie
- Sigh
- Kane
- Chuckle
- Trembling
- Strap
- Stevens
- Brief
- Nod
- Cinematography
- Crease
- Liz
- Bit
- Smile
- Kaufman
- Hands
- Sob
- Mite
- Ground
- Coalition
- Scrap
- Inning
- Balance
- Nate
- Meg
- Aching
- Looking
- Exhaustion
- Yeah
- Grasp
- Thin
- Navarre
- Footage
SHAKY, adjective. Shaking or trembling.
SHAKY, adjective. Nervous; Anxious.
SHAKY, adjective. (of wood) Full of shakes or cracks; cracked.
SHAKY, adjective. Easily shaken; tottering; unsound.
Dictionary definition
SHAKY, adjective. Inclined to shake as from weakness or defect; "a rickety table"; "a wobbly chair with shaky legs"; "the ladder felt a little wobbly"; "the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky".
SHAKY, adjective. Vibrating slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze; "a quaking bog"; "the quaking child asked for more"; "quivering leaves of a poplar tree"; "with shaking knees"; "seemed shaky on her feet"; "sparkling light from the shivering crystals of the chandelier"; "trembling hands".
SHAKY, adjective. Not secure; beset with difficulties; "a shaky marriage".
Wise words
The pen is mightier than the sword.