Associations to the word «Several»
- Centimeter
- Decade
- Colleague
- Laureate
- Islamist
- Subordinate
- Turkic
- Occasion
- Relative
- Conspirator
- Contemporary
- Teammate
- Locality
- Trips
- Numeral
- Sufi
- Collaborator
- Militant
- Skirmish
- Dozen
- Outcry
- Motown
- Condominium
- Onslaught
- Follower
- Acquaintance
- Juror
- Entourage
- Repertoire
- Neighbour
- Gonzalo
- Encampment
- Protester
- Parisian
- Sprang
- Hitchcock
- Subdivision
- Covent
- Novel
- Kilometre
- Emmy
- Lingua
- Mainstream
- Rib
- Entrant
- Epistle
- Cicero
- Hearst
- Month
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SEVERAL, adverb. By itself; severally.
SEVERAL, noun. (obsolete) An area of land in private ownership (as opposed to common land).
SEVERAL, noun. Each particular taken singly; an item; a detail; an individual.
SEVERAL, noun. (archaic) An enclosed or separate place; enclosure.
SEVERAL STATES, noun. (plurale tantum) (with “the”) (legal) The states of the United States, collectively.
Dictionary definition
SEVERAL, adjective. (used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many; "several letters came in the mail"; "several people were injured in the accident".
SEVERAL, adjective. Considered individually; "the respective club members"; "specialists in their several fields"; "the various reports all agreed".
SEVERAL, adjective. Distinct and individual; "three several times".
Wise words
Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for
people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or