Associations to the word «Earlier»
- Settler
- Century
- Cretaceous
- Triassic
- Childhood
- Heyday
- Bce
- Baroque
- Chancel
- Slav
- Onward
- Romanticism
- Kingship
- Industrialization
- Denomination
- Naming
- Modernism
- Caliphate
- Cen
- Morning
- Renaissance
- Prominence
- Explorer
- Historiography
- Edo
- Calendar
- Christianity
- Colonization
- Colonial
- Prehistory
- Rodent
- Life
- Superfamily
- Jubal
- Bc
- Period
- Era
- Education
- Adulthood
- Adolescence
- Nineteenth
- Teen
- Farmhouse
- Nave
- Dynastic
- Medieval
- 20th
- Neolithic
- 19th
- Hellenistic
- 18th
- Renaissance
- Morning
- 17th
- 16th
- Jurassic
- Pleistocene
- Late
- Mid
- Twentieth
- Archaic
- Embryonic
- Prevalent
- Attested
- Prehistoric
- Warning
- Germanic
- Modernist
- Gothic
- Vernacular
- Proto
- Archaeological
- Baroque
- Formative
- Influential
- Earliest
- Sometime
- Period
- 15th
- 14th
- 13th
- 12th
- Mediaeval
- 11th
- 9th
- Neoclassical
- Nineteenth
- Romanesque
- 10th
- Career
- 8th
- 7th
- Postwar
EARLY, adjective. At a time in advance of the usual or expected event.
EARLY, adjective. Arriving a time before expected; sooner than on time.
EARLY, adjective. Near the start or beginning.
EARLY, adjective. Having begun to occur; in its early stages.
EARLY, adverb. At a time before expected; sooner than usual.
EARLY, adverb. Soon; in good time; seasonably.
EARLY, noun. A shift (scheduled work period) that takes place early in the day.
EARLY ADOPTER, noun. A person who begins using a product or service at or around the time it becomes available.
EARLY ADOPTERS, noun. Plural of early adopter
EARLY BATH, noun. (idiomatic) (euphemistic) Being shown a red card in soccer.
EARLY BATHS, noun. Plural of early bath
EARLY BINDING, noun. (programming) Static binding.
EARLY BIRD, noun. (idiomatic) A person who wakes early or arrives early, typically before most others.
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL, noun. The discount at various dining establishments for dinner served earlier than traditional hours.
EARLY BIRDS, noun. Plural of early bird
EARLY BLIGHT, noun. A disease of tomato and potato plants caused by the fungus Alternaria solani, producing distinctive bullseye patterned leaf spots, stem lesions, fruit rot on tomato and tuber blight on potato.
EARLY CHILDHOOD, noun. A stage in human development, generally including toddlerhood and some time afterwards.
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, noun. The formal teaching and care of young children by people other than their family or in settings outside of the home before the age of normal schooling.
EARLY DAY MOTION, noun. (British) (politics) A formal motion submitted for debate in the House of Commons.
EARLY DAYS, noun. A time too soon to make a decision or come to a conclusion.
EARLY DAYS, noun. The initial period of an innovation
EARLY DAYS, noun. Initial stages of a project.
EARLY DOOR, noun. (dated) A door allowing earlier access to a theatre for an additional fee.
EARLY DOORS, adjective. (Northern England) Early, near the start or beginning
EARLY DOORS, adverb. (Northern England) Early; at a time before expected; sooner than usual.
EARLY DOORS, noun. (Cockney rhyming slang) (plural only) woman's drawers.
EARLY FETAL DEMISE, noun. A missed abortion.
EARLY INNINGS, noun. (baseball) The first, second, and third innings
EARLY INNINGS, noun. The early stages of any project or extended event.
EARLY LATIN, proper noun. Another term for Old Latin.
EARLY MIDDLE AGES, proper noun. The period of the Middle Ages from about the fifth to the eleventh centuries that followed the decline of the Roman Empire
EARLY MODERN, adjective. Describing a period of primarily European history between the Middle Ages and the modern period; the time between c. 1500-1800.
EARLY MODERN ENGLISH, proper noun. The form of the English language written and spoken from the end of the 15th to the mid 17th centuries
EARLY NEW HIGH GERMAN, proper noun. The form of the German language spoken from 1350 to 1650 CE, successor to Middle High German.
EARLY ON, adjective. Early in a process.
EARLY ON, adverb. At an early stage.
EARLY RETIREMENT, noun. Retirement before the legal retirement age
EARLY RISER, noun. Someone who rises (gets up) early in the morning.
EARLY RISERS, noun. Plural of early riser
EARLY SAXIFRAGE, noun. Saxifraga virginiensis, native to eastern North America.
EARLY SHOWER, noun. (sport) The act of a player being sent off.
EARLY TRIPURI, proper noun. An ancient form of the language Kokborok.
EARLY VOTE, verb. To vote in advance of the voting date, such as by mail or online.
EARLY VOTED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of early vote
EARLY VOTER, noun. A person who votes earlier than the election date such as by voting by mail.
EARLY VOTERS, noun. Plural of early voter
EARLY VOTES, verb. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of early vote
EARLY VOTING, noun. Voting earlier than the voting date such as when performed by mail or online.
Dictionary definition
EARLY, adverb. During an early stage; "early on in her career".
EARLY, adverb. Before the usual time or the time expected; "she graduated early"; "the house was completed ahead of time".
EARLY, adverb. In good time; "he awoke betimes that morning".
EARLY, adjective. At or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time; "early morning"; "an early warning"; "early diagnosis"; "an early death"; "took early retirement"; "an early spring"; "early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties".
EARLY, adjective. Being or occurring at an early stage of development; "in an early stage"; "early forms of life"; "early man"; "an early computer".
EARLY, adjective. Belonging to the distant past; "the early inhabitants of Europe"; "former generations"; "in other times".
EARLY, adjective. Very young; "at an early age".
EARLY, adjective. Of an early stage in the development of a language or literature; "the Early Hebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the 11th to the 6th centuries B.C."; "Early Modern English is represented in documents printed from 1476 to 1700".
EARLY, adjective. Expected in the near future; "look for an early end to the negotiations".
Wise words
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That
word is love.