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Associations to the word «Samphire»


SAMPHIRE, noun. One of several salt-tolerant plants, some edible
SAMPHIRE, noun. The marsh samphire, glasswort, genus Salicornia, a plant once burned to produce ash used to make soda glass.
SAMPHIRE, noun. The rock samphire, Crithmum maritimum.
SAMPHIRE, noun. The golden samphire, Inula crithmoides.
SAMPHIRE, noun. Borrichia arborescens of the West Indies.
SAMPHIRE, noun. Plants of genus Sarcocornia
SAMPHIRE, noun. Plants of genus Tecticornia

Dictionary definition

SAMPHIRE, noun. Fleshy maritime plant having fleshy stems with rudimentary scalelike leaves and small spikes of minute flowers; formerly used in making glass.

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