Associations to the word «Reinforce»
- Levee
- Milne
- Fortress
- Destroyer
- Graphite
- Army
- Tendency
- Objective
- Seam
- Timor
- Additive
- Meade
- Gunboat
- Gibraltar
- Force
- Oppression
- Regular
- Somme
- Malta
- Escort
- Effectiveness
- Manpower
- Marlborough
- Cruiser
- Connotation
- Binder
- Learner
- Plastic
- Propaganda
- Aggression
- Hancock
- Rubber
- Expectation
- Cul
- Pornography
- Motivation
- Strength
- Johnston
- Cement
- Barnett
- Coercion
- Assault
- Parachute
- Tenet
- Commando
- Batterie
- Ritual
- Withdrawal
- Nationalist
- Matrix
- Pasha
- Fabric
- Barrage
- Napoleon
- Classroom
- Ideal
- Wadi
- Kinship
- Learning
- Division
- Dren
- Defense
- Sending
- Feminism
- Stability
- Dispatch
REINFORCE, verb. (transitive) To strengthen, especially by addition or augmentation.
REINFORCE, verb. (transitive) To emphasize or review.
REINFORCE, verb. (transitive) To encourage a behavior or idea through repeated stimulus.
Dictionary definition
REINFORCE, verb. Make stronger; "he reinforced the concrete".
REINFORCE, verb. Strengthen and support with rewards; "Let's reinforce good behavior".
Wise words
We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control
our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we
are then master of the situation.