Associations to the word «Refrain»
- Sake
- Impulse
- Gossip
- Condemnation
- Lena
- Sadness
- Vow
- Ceasefire
- Glancing
- Territorial
- Campaigning
- Lending
- Intro
- Violation
- Mccartney
- Hint
- Admiration
- Signing
- Letting
- Criticism
- Threat
- Reparation
- Epithet
- Harmony
- Patience
- Consideration
- Tongue
- Rap
- Nowadays
- Falsehood
- Choir
- Vigor
- Miles
- Refusal
- Nightingale
- Praising
- Affection
- Undertaking
- Prohibition
- Paragraph
- But
- Rajah
- Remark
- Offence
- Dylan
- Reproach
- Cymbal
- Civilian
- Welt
- Muslim
- Paying
- Lent
- Neutral
- Advice
- Liquor
- Sovereignty
- Exercise
- Outburst
- Begging
REFRAIN, verb. (transitive) (archaic) To hold back, to restrain (someone or something). [from 14th c.]
REFRAIN, verb. (reflexive) (archaic) To show restraint; to hold oneself back. [from 14th c.]
REFRAIN, verb. (transitive) (now rare) To repress (a desire, emotion etc.); to check or curb. [from 14th c.]
REFRAIN, verb. (intransitive) To stop oneself from some action or interference; to abstain. [from 15th c.]
REFRAIN, verb. (transitive) (now rare) (regional) To abstain from (food or drink). [from 16th c.]
REFRAIN, noun. The chorus or burden of a song repeated at the end of each verse or stanza.
REFRAIN, noun. A much repeated comment, complaint, or saying.
Dictionary definition
REFRAIN, noun. The part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers.
REFRAIN, verb. Resist doing something; "He refrained from hitting him back"; "she could not forbear weeping".
REFRAIN, verb. Choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol".
Wise words
If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.