Associations to the word «Queen»


QUEEN, noun. A female monarch. Example: Queen Victoria
QUEEN, noun. The wife or widow of a king.
QUEEN, noun. (chess) The most powerful piece, able to move any number of spaces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
QUEEN, noun. (card games) A playing card with the picture of a queen on its face, the twelfth card in a given suit.
QUEEN, noun. A powerful or forceful female person.
QUEEN, noun. (derogatory) (slang) An effeminate male homosexual. See drag queen.
QUEEN, noun. A reproductive female animal in a hive, such as an ant, bee, termite or wasp.
QUEEN, noun. An adult female cat valued for breeding. See also tom.
QUEEN, noun. A queen olive.
QUEEN, verb. To make a queen.
QUEEN, verb. (intransitive) (obsolete) To act the part of a queen; to queen it.
QUEEN, verb. (chess) To promote a pawn, usually to a queen.
QUEEN, verb. (BDSM) (slang) (transitive) (of a female) To sit on the face of (a partner) to receive oral sex.
QUEEN, proper noun. A title given to queens.
QUEEN, proper noun. A surname​, originating as a nickname.
QUEEN ANNE, adjective. Of the style (of architecture, furniture, etc.) popular during the reign of Queen Anne.
QUEEN ANNE, noun. A style of architecture, furniture, etc. popular during the reign of Queen Anne.
QUEEN ANNE, proper noun. Queen Anne of Great Britain (reigned 1702-1714).
QUEEN ANNE, proper noun. A small town in Maryland, USA.
QUEEN ANNE'S BOUNTY, proper noun. (British) A fund, set up in the early 18th century, to financially assist the poor members of the clergy.
QUEEN ANNE'S LACE, noun. (North America) A flowering plant, species Daucus carota, especially the flowering part of the plant.
QUEEN ANNE'S LACE, noun. Ammi majus (false Queen Anne's lace), native to the Nile River Valley, with white lace-like flower clusters.
QUEEN ANNE'S LACE, noun. Anthriscus sylvestris (cow parsley), a herbaceous biennial or short-lived perennial plant in the family Apiaceae
QUEEN BEE, noun. A reproductive female (especially the only one) in a colony of bees.
QUEEN BEE, noun. (idiomatic) (colloquial) The most important or dominant woman in an organisation or situation.
QUEEN BEE ACID, noun. 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid, a bioactive compound found in royal jelly.
QUEEN BEES, noun. Plural of queen bee
QUEEN BISHOP PAWN, noun. (chess) A bishop pawn on the queenside; i.e., a pawn on the c-file.
QUEEN BISHOP PAWNS, noun. Plural of queen bishop pawn
QUEEN BREEDING, noun. (beekeeping) The breeding of queen bees
QUEEN CHARLOTTE, proper noun. A village in British Columbia, Canada.
QUEEN CHARLOTTE, proper noun. An unincorporated community in Virginia.
QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, proper noun. (historical) Haida Gwaii.
QUEEN CITY, proper noun. A nickname for various cities and towns, including:
QUEEN CITY, proper noun. Charlotte, North Carolina.
QUEEN CITY, proper noun. Cincinnati, Ohio.
QUEEN CITY, proper noun. Regina, Saskatchewan.
QUEEN CITY, proper noun. Seattle.
QUEEN CITY, proper noun. Toronto.
QUEEN CONCH, noun. Lobatus gigas, a large edible sea snail.
QUEEN CONSORT, noun. The wife of a reigning king.
QUEEN DOWAGER, noun. The widow of a king.
QUEEN E, abbreviation. (Canada) (informal) Alternative term for QEW
QUEEN ELIZABETH LAND, proper noun. The portion of British Antarctic Territory from Weddell Sea to the South Pole.
QUEEN IT, verb. To behave like a queen; to be superior or conceited.
QUEEN KNIGHT PAWN, noun. (chess) A knight pawn on the queenside; i.e., a pawn on the b-file.
QUEEN KNIGHT PAWNS, noun. Plural of queen knight pawn
QUEEN MAUD LAND, proper noun. A region of eastern Antarctica claimed as a dependent territory by Norway.
QUEEN MOTHER, noun. A widowed queen consort (a queen dowager) whose son or daughter from that marriage is the reigning monarch.
QUEEN MOTHERS, noun. Plural of queen mother
QUEEN MUM, noun. (slang) queen mother
QUEEN OF BEASTS, noun. (idiomatic) The lioness.
QUEEN OF CLUBS, noun. One of the 52 playing cards from a standard pack as used for bridge and poker, with a picture of a queen, with a nominal value of 12, and with the clubs suit.
QUEEN OF DIAMONDS, noun. One of the 52 playing cards from a standard pack as used for bridge and poker, with a picture of a queen, with a nominal value of 12, and with the diamonds suit.
QUEEN OF HEARTS, noun. One of the 52 playing cards from a standard pack as used for bridge and poker, with a picture of a queen, with a nominal value of 12, and with the hearts suit.
QUEEN OF HEARTS, noun. A woman who has gained the adoration of the public.
QUEEN OF HEARTS, noun. A woman who has gained the adoration of the public.
QUEEN OF PUDDINGS, noun. A traditional British baked dessert of egg custard, jam, and meringue.
QUEEN OF SHEBA, noun. (figuratively) A pampered female with an aristocratic demeanor.
QUEEN OF SPADES, noun. One of the 52 playing cards from a standard pack as used for bridge and poker, with a picture of a queen, with a nominal value of 12, and with the spades suit.
QUEEN OF THE MAY, noun. Alternative form of May Queen
QUEEN OF THE MEADOW, noun. Filipendula ulmaria, the meadowsweet.
QUEEN OF THE MEADOW, noun. Eutrochium purpureum, sweet joe-pye weed.
QUEEN OLIVE, noun. A superior kind of olive grown in Spain. It is large and oblong, with a small but long pit and a delicate flavour, and is cured when green.
QUEEN OLIVE, noun. (loosely) Any olive of similar character.
QUEEN OLIVES, noun. Plural of queen olive
QUEEN PALM, noun. Syagrus romanzoffiana, a medium-sized palm native to South America, very similar to the coconut palm.
QUEEN PALMS, noun. Plural of queen palm
QUEEN PAWN, noun. (chess) A pawn on the queen's file; i.e., the d-file.
QUEEN PAWNS, noun. Plural of queen pawn
QUEEN POST, noun. A supporting post designed to span longer openings than a king post.
QUEEN REGNANT, noun. A female monarch who reigns in her own right, in contrast to a queen consort, who is the wife of a reigning king.
QUEEN ROOK PAWN, noun. (chess) A rook pawn on the queenside; i.e., a pawn on the a-file.
QUEEN ROOK PAWNS, noun. Plural of queen rook pawn
QUEEN SCALLOP, noun. An edible scallop, species Aequipecten opercularis.
QUEEN SCALLOPS, noun. Plural of queen scallop
QUEEN SNAKE, noun. Regina septemvittata, a non-venomous colubrid snake, endemic to North America.
QUEEN SNAKES, noun. Plural of queen snake
QUEEN TRUSS, noun. (architecture) A truss framed with queen posts.
QUEEN TRUSSES, noun. Plural of queen truss

Dictionary definition

QUEEN, noun. The only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites; its function is to lay eggs.
QUEEN, noun. A female sovereign ruler.
QUEEN, noun. The wife or widow of a king.
QUEEN, noun. Something personified as a woman who is considered the best or most important of her kind; "Paris is the queen of cities"; "the queen of ocean liners".
QUEEN, noun. A competitor who holds a preeminent position.
QUEEN, noun. Offensive term for an openly homosexual man.
QUEEN, noun. One of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen.
QUEEN, noun. (chess) the most powerful piece.
QUEEN, noun. An especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males.
QUEEN, noun. Female cat.
QUEEN, verb. Promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess.
QUEEN, verb. Become a queen; "her pawn queened".

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Thomas à Kempis